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But there is another form of good-bye that is very commonly used, although mostly with good friends. It is very casual. It comes from a long time past when it was fashionable to use the French word when bidding farewell to friends: adieu. In the course of time, and with people from all over the German-speaking world pronouncing and mispronouncing the word, it somehow got an s attached to it. Then it lost its first syllable. And in time it became simply Tschis (CHUESS).

Learn German in a Hurry

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different weather phenomena along with their genders.

  1. die Sonne (the sun) - Feminine
  2. der Regen (the rain) - Masculine
  3. der Schnee (the snow) - Masculine
  4. das Gewitter (the thunderstorm) - Neuter
  5. die Wolke (the cloud) - Feminine
  6. der Blitz (the lightning) - Masculine
  7. der Sturm (the storm) - Masculine
  8. der Wind (the wind) - Masculine

Mnemonic Device

  • Feminine (die): Think of Sun and Clouds as nurturing elements in nature, traditionally associated with feminine qualities. Hence, “die Sonne” (sun) and “die Wolke” (cloud) are feminine.

  • Masculine (der): Rain, Snow, Lightning, Storm, and Wind can be associated with strength and force, often seen as masculine traits. So, “der Regen” (rain), “der Schnee” (snow), “der Blitz” (lightning), “der Sturm” (storm), and “der Wind” (wind) are masculine.

  • Neuter (das): Thunderstorm is a mix of various elements (rain, lightning, thunder). You can think of it as a complex phenomenon that doesn’t fit into a single category, thus making “das Gewitter” (thunderstorm) neuter.

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过去几十年里,信息技术的迅猛发展彻底改变了我们管理和利用知识的方式。从谷歌等搜索引擎的崛起到大型语言模型( LLM )如 ChatGPT 的出现,每一个技术进步都对知识管理的理念和实践产生了深远影响。现在,随着 AI技术的进一步成熟,我们正步入一个集成化和自动化知识管理的新时代。



LLM 的兴起:重视理解问题的能力和方法论

大型语言模形 LLM 如 ChatGPT 的出现又一次改变了我们检索和管理知识的方式。 LLM不仅能提供信息,更重要的是,它们能够理解复杂的查询,感知提问的上下文,提供更加深入和全面的回答,我认为这会促使人们开始重视提问的能力和用于理解问题本质的方法论。

这要求用户不仅要了解他们正在寻找的信息的性质,而且要能够清晰、准确地表达他们的问题。在这个阶段,知识管理变得更加动态和互动,强调的是理解问题的核心,以及如何提问来有效地利用 LLM获取和理解信息。

AI 辅助的知识管理

展望未来,我觉得 AI 的角色将会从简单的信息加工转变为主动的知识管理。 AI辅助的知识管理将会有以下三个特点:自动化的数据收集,智能信息提取与分析,个性化的知识管理。


LLM 技术将能够自动收集、分类和整理来自各种渠道的数据。这包括结构化数据(如数据库中的记录)和非结构化数据(如社交媒体帖子、视频内容)。 LLM 可以提取关键信息,生成摘要,初步加工,分类,并将其转化为结构化的数据格式。


LLM 可以从用户自己收集的大量数据中提取有价值的信息,并进行深入分析。这不仅限于数字数据,还包括对文本、图像甚至语音信息的理解。通过这种方式, LLM 能够帮助人们获取关于数据的深度洞察,发现潜在的问题和价值。比如 ChatGPT 的 Code Interpreter 就是这方面的一个尝试。

本地运行 LLM和个性化的知识管理

未来的知识管理系统将能够根据用户的特定需求和偏好来定制内容。 AI 将基于用户的行为、历史交互和偏好来推荐相关的资料和信息,从而提供更加个性化的体验。 LLM本地化运行己经成为趋势,这意味着我们不用担心其他人会获取到这些隐私信息。





在海量信息和数据的环境中,信息分析与综合判断力会变得至关重要。这 不仅是对信息的简单接受,而是需要对信息进行深度分析和评价


  1. 信息分析力:能够理解和分析信息的能力,包括对数据进行深入挖掘,理解其背后的意义和潜在的联系。
  2. 逻辑推理:基于收集到的信息进行合理的推理。
  3. 综合判断力:综合不同信息源和观点,形成一个全面、平衡的观点。这不仅包括对事实的判断,还包括伦理、价值和实用性的考虑。
  4. 批判性思维:虽然不是唯一元素,但批判性思维仍是此技能的重要组成部分。它涉及对信息的质疑、检验和反思。


当基础性的知识管理和数据分析由 AI完成时,人类的创造性思维将成为不可替代的宝贵资源。创新不仅涉及新想法的产生,还包括如何将这些想法转化为实际的产品、服务或解决方案。




在未来,基础的信息处理和数据分析任务将由 AI 承担,但人类的高阶思维能力、创新能力、人际交往能力依然无可取代。至少目前 transformer 架构的 LLM还没有展示出 system 2 thinking 式的思考能力。这些能力在未来高度依赖数据和信息的社会中尤为重要。


从搜索引擎到 LLM ,再到未来的 AI集成化和自动化,知识管理将会有一场深刻的变革。每一次技术进步都要求我们以新的方式理解和利用知识。未来的知识管理将更加自动化,智能、和个性化,但这也意味着我们需要不断适应和学习,以充分利用这些新工具的潜力。

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Docker daemon ports vs forward container ports

daemon ports

Docker daemon ports: add something like tcp:// in /etc/docker/daemon.json

It’s about the Docker daemon’s ability to accept commands (like starting/stopping containers, pulling images, etc.) over the network.

forwarding container ports

This is about exposing a specific port of a running container to the host or the outside world, allowing network traffic to reach the service running inside the container.


In summary, setting the Docker daemon to listen on certain TCP ports is about remote management of the Docker engine itself, while forwarding ports for a container is about allowing external access to services running inside that container.

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built-in use-package

As a seasoned Emacs user, I’ve been eagerly anticipating the built-in arrival of use-package in version 29.1. And now it’s finally here! This declarative configuration tool has already become my go-to for confining all the chaotic Emacs configurations, making everything more organized and manageable. So, if you haven’t already, I’d wholeheartedly recommend upgrading your Emacs to the latest version 29.1.

Tips for Checking Package Installation

When you’re neck-deep in code, it’s quite common to forget whether you’ve installed a particular package or not. Emacs has got you covered with several commands:

  • featurep: Use this if a package ends with provide.
  • fboundp: This comes in handy when you need to check if a certain function is defined.
  • bound-and-true-p: Use this to confirm whether a global minor mode is both installed and activated.

The Power of cl-letf

I’ve found cl-letf to be incredibly useful when I need to dynamically and temporarily override functions and values defined externally. It’s particularly handy when paired with advice, allowing me to alter the behavior of third-party packages without meddling with their source code.

Here’s a practical example of how to override a function defined in a package. The code modifies the behavior of original-split-window-horizontally inside create-window so that no matter what argument it receives, a fixed width is used:

(defun my-create-window-advice (orig-fun &rest args)
  "Advice to modify the behavior of `split-window-horizontally' in `create-window'."
  (let ((original-split-window-horizontally (symbol-function 'split-window-horizontally))
        (fixed-width 20)))
    (cl-letf (((symbol-function 'split-window-horizontally)
               (lambda (&optional size)
                 (funcall original-split-window-horizontally fixed-width))))
      (apply orig-fun args))))

(advice-add 'create-window :around #'my-create-window-advice)

Embracing thread-first and thread-last Macros

One of my favorite features of Emacs version 25 and onwards is the built-in thread-first and thread-last macros. These can prove immensely useful when dealing with complex data transformations - they help maintain clean and readable code.

In Emacs Lisp, the thread-first and thread-last are powerful tools for improving the readability of function call sequences. They allow for a more intuitive and linear style of writing nested function calls, especially useful in situations where you have multiple operations that need to be applied in sequence.



After a decade of using Emacs, it continues to be an indispensable part of my programming arsenal. Once one has really recognized the extensibility of emacs, it’s hard to not miss it every time using another editor.

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I’ve been searching for a good solution to use Emacs29 with tree-sitter config in nix-darwin for quite some time.

Emacs29 comes with built-in support for Tree-Sitter, a parser generator tool and an incremental parsing library, the only requirement is the grammar files, detail in this masteringemacs article .

While there are some proposed solutions out there, such as the one found on the nixos discourse , they didn’t quite hit the mark for me. The issue was that I’m using an overridden package definition of pkgs.emacs29-macport, which complicated things a bit.

    myEmacs = (emacsPackagesFor emacs).emacsWithPackages (epkgs: with epkgs; [

The above treesit-grammars.with-all-grammars definition only installs the dynamic libraries. However, Emacs was still unable to find the files. The crux of the problem was that I needed to link the directory to a location that Tree-Sitter could locate.

After many trials and tribulations, I finally managed to come up with a functional solution.


pkg-emacs29-macport.nix: package definition of emacs

{ pkgs ? (import <nixpkgs> { }) }:
  # https://github.com/railwaycat/homebrew-emacsmacport/blob/master/Formula/emacs-mac.rb
  emacs29-macport = (pkgs.emacs29-macport.overrideAttrs (prevAttrs: {
    patches = (prevAttrs.patches) ++ [
      # patch for multi-tty support, see the following links for details
      # https://bitbucket.org/mituharu/emacs-mac/pull-requests/2/add-multi-tty-support-to-be-on-par-with/diff
      # https://ylluminarious.github.io/2019/05/23/how-to-fix-the-emacs-mac-port-for-multi-tty-access/
      (pkgs.fetchpatch {
        url =
        sha256 = "sha256-OpSYG5ew8A1IL5rW/wPwmG2bzZa8iFF+xTYQGiWjzKg=";
      # no-title-bars
      (pkgs.fetchpatch {
        url =
        sha256 = "sha256-f2DRcUZq8Y18n6MJ6vtChN5hLGERduMB8B1mrrds6Ns=";
  })).override {
    # not necessary, but enforce these options to be true
    withNativeCompilation = true;
    withTreeSitter = true;
  buildEmacs = (pkgs.emacsPackagesFor emacs29-macport).emacsWithPackages;
  treesitGrammars =
    (pkgs.emacsPackagesFor emacs29-macport).treesit-grammars.with-all-grammars;
in {
  emacs = buildEmacs (epkgs: with epkgs; [ vterm treesitGrammars ]);
  treesitGrammars = treesitGrammars;

config-emacs.nix: configuraiton of emacs

{ pkgs, config, lib, ... }:
  emacs29 = (pkgs.callPackage ./pkg-emacs29-macport.nix { });
in {
  home.packages = lib.mkBefore ([ emacs29.emacs ]);

  home.file = {
    # tree-sitter subdirectory of the directory specified by user-emacs-directory
    ".config/emacs/.local/cache/tree-sitter".source =

Tree-sitter language grammars are distributed as dynamic libraries. In order to use a language grammar in Emacs, you need to make sure that the dynamic library is installed on the system. Emacs looks for language grammars in several places, in the following order: first, in the list of directories specified by the variable treesit-extra-load-path; then, in the tree-sitter subdirectory of the directory specified by user-emacs-directory (see The Init File); and finally, in the system’s default locations for dynamic libraries.

Tree-sitter Language Grammar

Finally use this config-emacs.nix in your home.nix using home-manager

imports = [

TagsRead1 minute

I use Emacs --with-no-title-bar and use yabai to auto layout window, sketchybar to display current window title at the menu bar.

Due to the limited screen size on a laptop, it can be challenging to view the entire file path. Therefore, I created a function that shows a shortened version of the file path.

If you are editing a file, the function will display the file path. Otherwise, it will display the buffer name.

for example, ~/projects/blog/content/posts/emacs-frame-title-format.md will be display as ~/p/b/c/posts/emacs-frame-title-format.md

(defun shorten-path-for-title (path)
  "Shorten a file PATH to be displayed in the frame title.
Only the last directory's name is fully displayed; upper-layer directories are represented by their first letters."
  (let* ((components (split-string (or path "") "/" t))
         (filename (or (car (last components)) ""))
         (lastdir (if (> (length components) 1) (nth (- (length components) 2) components) ""))
         (dirs (butlast components 2))
         (shortened-dirs (mapcar (lambda (dir) (substring dir 0 1)) dirs)))
    (concat (string-join shortened-dirs "/")
            (if shortened-dirs "/")

(setq frame-title-format
      '((:eval (if (buffer-file-name)
                   (shorten-path-for-title (abbreviate-file-name (buffer-file-name)))))
        (:eval (if (not (buffer-file-name)) (buffer-name)))))

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When I decided to manage my sketchybar configuration as a git submodule within my Nix Flakes setup, I encountered an unexpected obstacle. Attempting to run darwin-rebuild was met with failure as the system couldn’t locate the source of the local directory. It’s a known issue as discussed in the Submodules of flakes are not working thread.

Overcoming the Submodule Challenge

I devised a workaround that resolved the problem and ensured proper file execution permissions. Before diving into the implementation details, I must emphasize the necessity of updating the flake.lock file. This is a critical step to ensure submodule is recognized by nix:

nix flake lock --update-input config-sketchybar-src


In flake.nix define the submodule directory as input

    inputs = {
      # submodule directory
      config-sketchybar-src = {
        url = "git+file:./config-sketchybar";
        flake = false;

    outputs = inputs@{ self, nixpkgs, darwin, home-manager, ... }:
    let username = "nohzafk";
    in {
      darwinConfigurations."MacBook-Pro" = darwin.lib.darwinSystem {
        system = "aarch64-darwin";
        specialArgs = { inherit inputs username; };
        modules = [
            users.users."${username}" = {
              name = "${username}";
              home = "/Users/${username}";
            home-manager.useGlobalPkgs = true;
            home-manager.useUserPackages = true;
            home-manager.users."${username}".imports = [ ./home.nix ];
            home-manager.extraSpecialArgs = { inherit inputs username; };

in home.nix

{ inputs, username, config, pkgs, ... }: {
    imports = [

in config-window-manager.nix

{ inputs, lib, pkgs, ... }: {
  sketchybar-config =
    pkgs.callPackage ./pkg-sketchybar-config.nix { inherit inputs pkgs; };
in {
  home.packages =
    lib.mkBefore = [ sketchybar-config ];

  home.file.".config/sketchybar".source = sketchybar-config;


finally in pkg-sketchybar-config.nix

{ inputs, pkgs, ... }:
pkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation {
  name = "sketchybar-config";

  dontConfigure = true;
  dontUnpack = true;
  src = inputs.config-sketchybar-src;

  installPhase = ''
    mkdir -p $out
    cp -r $src/config/sketchybar/* $out

    # Find all .sh files and substitute 'jq' with the full path to the jq binary
    find $out -type f -name "*.sh" | while read script; do
      substituteInPlace "$script" \
        --replace 'jq' '${pkgs.jq}/bin/jq'

    chmod -R +x $out

In the end, the satisfaction of having your local directory seamlessly integrated as a git submodule and functioning perfectly within the Nix ecosystem is well worth the effort.