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different weather phenomena along with their genders.

  1. die Sonne (the sun) - Feminine
  2. der Regen (the rain) - Masculine
  3. der Schnee (the snow) - Masculine
  4. das Gewitter (the thunderstorm) - Neuter
  5. die Wolke (the cloud) - Feminine
  6. der Blitz (the lightning) - Masculine
  7. der Sturm (the storm) - Masculine
  8. der Wind (the wind) - Masculine

Mnemonic Device

  • Feminine (die): Think of Sun and Clouds as nurturing elements in nature, traditionally associated with feminine qualities. Hence, “die Sonne” (sun) and “die Wolke” (cloud) are feminine.

  • Masculine (der): Rain, Snow, Lightning, Storm, and Wind can be associated with strength and force, often seen as masculine traits. So, “der Regen” (rain), “der Schnee” (snow), “der Blitz” (lightning), “der Sturm” (storm), and “der Wind” (wind) are masculine.

  • Neuter (das): Thunderstorm is a mix of various elements (rain, lightning, thunder). You can think of it as a complex phenomenon that doesn’t fit into a single category, thus making “das Gewitter” (thunderstorm) neuter.