I recently wanted to practice some LeetCode and write documents and code in an org file. To quickly test the code, I wanted to use C-c C-c on a src-block to run pytest
. I created this snippet to enable that functionality.
(after! org
(defun org-babel-execute:python-with-pytest (body params)
"Execute a python source block with pytest if :pytest is specified."
(if (assq :pytest params)
(let* ((temporary-file-directory ".")
(temp-file (make-temp-file "pytest-" nil ".py")))
(with-temp-file temp-file
(insert body))
(org-babel-eval (format "pytest -v -s %s" temp-file) "")
(delete-file temp-file)))
(org-babel-execute:python-default body params)))
(advice-add 'org-babel-execute:python :override #'org-babel-execute:python-with-pytest))
usage example
#+begin_src python :pytest
def test():
assert Solution().mergeAlternately("abc", "pqr") == "apbqcr"
assert Solution().mergeAlternately("ab", "pqrs") == "apbqrs"
assert Solution().mergeAlternately("abcd", "pq") == "apbqcd"
class Solution:
def mergeAlternately(self, word1: str, word2: str) -> str:
longest = max(len(word1), len(word2))
def get_char(i, chs):
return chs[i] if i < len(chs) else ""
r = []
for i in range(0, longest):
r.append(get_char(i, word1))
r.append(get_char(i, word2))
return "".join(r)
I used the built-in tempo
to create a template. This allows me to run M-x insert-leetcode-solution, which inserts the template content and places the cursor on the line below “Problem”.
#+begin_src elisp :tangle config.el
(require 'tempo)
'("* Problem"
"* Note"
"* Solution"
"#+begin_src python :pytest"
(defun insert-leetcode-solution ()