
Meaning and Usage

"Überprüfen" means "to check" or "to verify" in German. It is used to indicate the action of examining something to ensure its accuracy, correctness, or completion.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "überprüfen" is a compound word, consisting of the prefix "über-" (meaning "over" or "across") and the verb "prüfen" (meaning "to check" or "to examine"). The combination of these two elements forms the word "überprüfen." Its etymology can be traced back to the Old High German "prūfen" and Middle High German "vrüefen."

Comparisons between German and English

The word "überprüfen" is similar in meaning to the English word "to check," but it includes the idea of conducting a thorough examination or verification.

Cultural Context

In German culture, thoroughness and attention to detail are highly valued, and the concept of "überprüfen" reflects this value. It is essential in various contexts, from work and academic settings to everyday tasks.

Example Sentences

  1. Ich muss meine E-Mails überprüfen, bevor ich sie sende.
  2. Die Polizei wird das Alibi des Verdächtigen überprüfen.
  3. Bevor du unterschreibst, solltest du den Vertrag überprüfen.

Memory Tips

To remember the meaning of "überprüfen," think of the prefix "über-" as indicating a thorough or comprehensive action, and "prüfen" as meaning "to check" or "to examine."

Additional Vocabulary

  • Synonyms: kontrollieren (to control), nachprüfen (to recheck)
  • Antonyms: vertrauen (to trust), ignorieren (to ignore)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)

Not applicable; "überprüfen" is a verb.

Conjugation (for verbs)

  • Ich überprüfe (I check)
  • Du überprüfst (you check)
  • Er/sie/es überprüft (he/she/it checks)
  • Wir überprüfen (we check)
  • Ihr überprüft (you check)
  • Sie überprüfen (they check)