die Geschwister

Meaning and Usage

"Die Geschwister" is the German word for "siblings." It refers to brothers and sisters within the same family.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "Geschwister" is a plural noun in German. It is formed from the root "schwester" meaning "sister," and the prefix "ge-" which indicates a collective or plural form.

Comparisons between German and English

In English, "siblings" is the equivalent of "Geschwister." Both languages use a plural form to refer to brothers and sisters collectively.

Cultural Context

The concept of family and the relationship between siblings is significant in many cultures, and the term "die Geschwister" holds cultural relevance in the context of family dynamics and relationships.

Example Sentences

  1. Meine Geschwister und ich gehen heute ins Kino. (My siblings and I are going to the movies today.)
  2. Sie hat eine enge Bindung zu ihren Geschwistern. (She has a close bond with her siblings.)

Memory Tips

Associate "die Geschwister" with the idea of "brothers and sisters," picturing a group of siblings together to reinforce the meaning.

Additional Vocabulary

  • der Bruder (singular), die Brüder (plural) - brother, brothers
  • die Schwester (singular), die Schwestern (plural) - sister, sisters

Gender and Plural (for nouns)

"Die Geschwister" is a plural noun in German with no singular form.

Conjugation (for verbs)