
Meaning and Usage

"Gewicht" in German translates to "weight" in English. It refers to the measure of the heaviness of an object or a person, or the force exerted on a mass by gravity. It is used in various contexts such as discussing physical mass, measuring quantities, or describing importance or significance.

Linguistic Analysis

"Gewicht" is a noun in German and does not have any prefixes or suffixes. Its etymology can be traced back to the Old High German word "giwah(t)" or "giwih(t)", which ultimately originates from the Proto-Germanic "*gewihtiz".

Comparisons between German and English

The word "Gewicht" in German and "weight" in English are similar in meaning and usage. Both words are used to express the heaviness of an object or a person, and they share the same etymological roots.

Cultural Context

In German culture, "Gewicht" is commonly used in various contexts, including discussions about health, fitness, and balance in life.

Example Sentences

  1. Das Gewicht dieses Pakets beträgt 5 Kilogramm. (The weight of this package is 5 kilograms.)
  2. Die Bedeutung dieses Themas hat großes Gewicht. (The significance of this topic carries great weight.)

Memory Tips

To remember the word "Gewicht," you can associate it with the English word "weight" and focus on its use in different contexts to reinforce its meaning and usage.

Additional Vocabulary

  • Die Waage (the scale)
  • Schwer (heavy)
  • Leicht (light)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)

  • Gender: Neuter
  • Plural: Die Gewichte

Conjugation (for verbs)

Not applicable as "Gewicht" is a noun and not a verb.