
Meaning and Usage

"Anbieten" means "to offer" or "to provide" in German. It is used when someone offers something to someone else, such as offering assistance, a service, or an item for sale.

Linguistic Analysis

"Anbieten" is a combination of the prefix "an-" (meaning "on" or "to") and the verb "bieten" (meaning "to offer"). It follows the regular conjugation pattern of strong verbs in German.

Comparisons between German and English

The German word "anbieten" directly translates to the English word "to offer," so the meaning and usage are very similar in both languages.

Cultural Context

In German culture, offering help or services is considered polite and courteous. Therefore, "anbieten" is a commonly used word in everyday interactions.

Example Sentences

  • Kann ich Ihnen ein Getränk anbieten? (Can I offer you a drink?)
  • Sie hat mir ihre Unterstützung angeboten. (She offered me her support.)

Memory Tips

Associate "anbieten" with the act of offering something "on" or "to" someone.

Additional Vocabulary

  • das Angebot (the offer)
  • die Angebotspalette (the range of offers)
  • ablehnen (to decline, refuse)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)


Conjugation (for verbs)

  • ich biete an (I offer)
  • du bietest an (you offer)
  • er/sie/es bietet an (he/she/it offers)
  • wir bieten an (we offer)
  • ihr bietet an (you offer)
  • sie bieten an (they offer)