
Meaning and Usage

"Junge" translates to "boy" in German, denoting a male child or an adolescent male.

Linguistic Analysis

"Junge" is a noun in German.

Comparisons between German and English

"Junge" corresponds to the English word "boy".

Cultural Context

The term "Junge" is fundamental in describing the male youth in various cultural contexts, such as education, family dynamics, and social interactions.

Example Sentences

  1. Der Junge spielt im Garten. (The boy is playing in the garden.)
  2. Sie hat zwei Jungen. (She has two sons.)

Memory Tips

Utilize the association between the English word "young" and the German word "Junge" to remember that it refers to a male child or youth.

Additional Vocabulary

Synonyms: Bub (boy, regional), Knabe (boy, poetic)

Gender and Plural (for nouns) Gender: masculine Plural: Jungen