
Meaning and Usage

"Zustimmen" in German means "to agree" or "to consent." It is used to express giving consent or approval to something.

Linguistic Analysis

"Zustimmen" is a verb and consists of the prefix "zu-" and the root "stimmen". The prefix "zu-" often indicates a direction or completion of an action, and "stimmen" comes from the German word "Stimme," which means "voice" or "opinion."

Comparisons between German and English

The German word "zustimmen" translates to "to agree" in English. Both words share the same meaning and are used similarly in sentences.

Cultural Context

In German culture, reaching a consensus or agreement is valued, and the ability to express agreement or consent politely is important in various social and professional interactions.

Example Sentences

  1. Ich stimme dir voll und ganz zu. (I fully agree with you.)
  2. Sie stimmte den Bedingungen des Vertrags zu. (She agreed to the terms of the contract.)

Memory Tips

Associate "zustimmen" with the English word "to consent" and remember the prefix "zu-" indicating completion of an action.

Additional Vocabulary

  • Die Zustimmung (noun, feminine) - the consent
  • Einverstanden sein - to be in agreement
  • Ablehnen - to reject

Gender and Plural (for nouns)


Conjugation (for verbs)

  • Ich stimme zu (I agree)
  • Du stimmst zu (You agree)
  • Er/sie/es stimmt zu (He/she/it agrees)
  • Wir stimmen zu (We agree)
  • Ihr stimmt zu (You (pl.) agree)
  • Sie stimmen zu (They/formal you agree)