
Meaning and Usage

"Ankreuzen" is a verb in German which means "to tick (off)", "to check (off)", or "to mark (with a cross)" in the context of filling out a form, questionnaire, or multiple choice test.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "ankreuzen" is a compound verb, consisting of the prefix "an-" (indicating a direction or attachment) and the verb "kreuzen" (to cross). It is inflected according to the standard rules for regular verbs in German.

Comparisons between German and English

The English equivalent of "ankreuzen" is "to tick (off)", "to check (off)", or "to mark (with a cross)".

Cultural Context

In Germany, filling out forms and questionnaires is a common practice in various situations, such as bureaucratic procedures, applications, or surveys. Therefore, the verb "ankreuzen" is frequently used in these contexts.

Example Sentences

  • Bitte kreuzen Sie die richtige Antwort an. (Please tick the correct answer.)
  • Ich habe die Namen auf der Liste angekreuzt. (I have checked off the names on the list.)

Memory Tips

To remember the meaning of "ankreuzen", you can visualize marking a checkmark or a cross next to an option on a form or questionnaire.

Additional Vocabulary

  • das Kreuz (the cross)
  • das Formular (the form)
  • die Umfrage (the survey)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)


Conjugation (for verbs)

  • ich kreuze an (I tick off)
  • du kreuzt an (you tick off)
  • er/sie/es kreuzt an (he/she/it ticks off)
  • wir kreuzen an (we tick off)
  • ihr kreuzt an (you all tick off)
  • sie kreuzen an (they tick off)