
Meaning and Usage

"Wohin" is a German interrogative adverb that means "where to" in English. It is used to ask about the destination or direction of movement.

Linguistic Analysis

"Wohin" consists of the interrogative particle "wo" (where) and the preposition "hin" (to). It is used to inquire about the direction of movement or the destination. The word has its roots in Middle High German and can be traced back to Old High German "hina," meaning "there."

Comparisons between German and English

The English equivalent of "wohin" is "where to," which is specifically used to inquire about the destination or direction of movement.

Cultural Context

Asking about destinations and directions is a common part of everyday communication, so "wohin" is frequently used in various conversational settings, such as asking for directions or planning travel.

Example Sentences

  • Wohin gehst du? (Where are you going?)
  • Wohin führt dieser Weg? (Where does this path lead to?)
  • Wohin sollen wir heute Abend essen gehen? (Where should we go for dinner tonight?)

Memory Tips

To remember the meaning and usage of "wohin," visualize yourself asking someone about the specific destination or direction of movement by using the phrase "where to."

Additional Vocabulary

  • wohin auch immer (wherever)
  • wohin auch (anywhere)
  • wohin gerade (wherever)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)


Conjugation (for verbs)