
Meaning and Usage

"Anmachen" can have different meanings depending on the context. It can mean "to turn on" in the context of switching on a light, a device, or a machine. It can also mean "to start" in the context of starting a fire, engine, or any process.

Linguistic Analysis

"Anmachen" is a separable verb, and its infinitive form is "machen." The prefix "an-" adds the idea of "on" or "up" to the base verb "machen," resulting in the meaning of "to turn on" or "to start."

Comparisons between German and English

The German verb "anmachen" has similar meanings and usage to the English verbs "to turn on" and "to start."

Cultural Context

"Anmachen" is a commonly used verb in everyday German, particularly when referring to turning on electronic devices, lights, or starting a fire.

Example Sentences

  • Kannst du bitte das Licht anmachen? (Can you please turn on the light?)
  • Er hat versucht, das Feuer anzumachen. (He tried to start the fire.)

Memory Tips

To remember "anmachen," think of the English phrase "turn on" and the idea of "an-" adding the sense of "on" or "up" to the action of "machen."

Additional Vocabulary

  • ausschalten (to turn off)
  • starten (to start)
  • die Beleuchtung (the lighting)
  • das Feuer (the fire)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)

"Anmachen" is a verb and therefore does not have a gender or plural form.

Conjugation (for verbs)

  • ich mache an (I turn on/start)
  • du machst an (you turn on/start)
  • er/sie/es macht an (he/she/it turns on/starts)
  • wir machen an (we turn on/start)
  • ihr macht an (you turn on/start)
  • sie machen an (they turn on/start)