
Meaning and Usage

"Treffen" in German means "to meet" or "to hit." It is commonly used to describe meeting someone or hitting a target.

Linguistic Analysis

"Treffen" is an infinitive form of the verb. It can be separated into the prefix "t" and the root "reffen." The prefix "t" indicates the verb form, and the root "reffen" comes from the Old High German word "reftan," meaning "to reach."

Comparisons between German and English

The German word "treffen" has two main meanings, "to meet" and "to hit," while the English word "to meet" is used exclusively for the former meaning. The German word "schlagen" is used specifically for "to hit" in the sense of striking something.

Cultural Context

In German culture, "treffen" is commonly used to arrange meetings or appointments. Germans typically value punctuality and often use this word in the context of setting up precise meeting times.

Example Sentences

  1. Wir treffen uns um 18 Uhr am Bahnhof. (We are meeting at the train station at 6 p.m.)
  2. Der Pfeil traf das Ziel. (The arrow hit the target.)

Memory Tips

To remember the meaning of "treffen," think of the phrase "treffen Sie den Zeitpunkt," which means "meet the deadline."

Additional Vocabulary

  • das Treffen (meeting)
  • das Zusammentreffen (encounter)
  • die Begegnung (encounter)
  • der Treffpunkt (meeting point)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)


Conjugation (for verbs)

  • Ich treffe (I meet/hit)
  • Du triffst (You meet/hit)
  • Er/sie/es trifft (He/she/it meets/hits)
  • Wir treffen (We meet/hit)
  • Ihr trefft (You (pl.) meet/hit)
  • Sie treffen (They meet/hit)