die Partnerin, -nen

Meaning and Usage

"Die Partnerin" in German refers to a female partner, often in the context of a romantic relationship, business partnership, or teamwork. It can also be used in the sense of a female companion or counterpart.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "Partnerin" is a compound noun, formed by adding the suffix "-in" to the word "Partner," which means partner in German. The plural form is "die Partnerinnen," where the suffix "-nen" indicates the plural form for feminine nouns.

Comparisons between German and English

The word "Partnerin" has a similar counterpart in English, "partner," but with the specific feminine form indicated in German.

Cultural Context

In contemporary German society, the term "Partnerin" is commonly used to refer to a female partner in various types of relationships, reflecting the equality and inclusivity of gender roles in modern culture.

Example Sentences

  1. Meine Partnerin und ich reisen gerne zusammen. (My partner and I like to travel together.)
  2. Sie ist meine Geschäftspartnerin bei diesem Projekt. (She is my business partner on this project.)

Memory Tips

Associate "Partnerin" with the English word "partner" and remember that it refers specifically to a female partner.

Additional Vocabulary

  • Der Partner (singular, masculine form)
  • Die Partnerinnen (plural, feminine form)
  • Die Partner (plural, masculine form)

Gender and Plural

Gender: Feminine Plural: die Partnerinnen
