der Arbeitsplatz

Meaning and Usage

"Der Arbeitsplatz" in German refers to the workplace or the place where a person works. It can also denote a specific position or location where someone is employed.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "Arbeitsplatz" is a compound noun formed by the combination of "Arbeit" (work) and "Platz" (place). The plural form of "Arbeitsplatz" is "Arbeitsplätze."

Comparisons between German and English

The word "Arbeitsplatz" is similar to the English term "workplace," with "Arbeit" corresponding to "work" and "Platz" corresponding to "place."

Cultural Context

In the context of German culture, "der Arbeitsplatz" holds significant importance as it represents not just a physical location but also one's professional environment and responsibilities.

Example Sentences

  1. Mein Arbeitsplatz ist in der Innenstadt. (My workplace is in the city center.)
  2. Sie hat einen neuen Arbeitsplatz gefunden. (She has found a new job.)

Memory Tips

Try to remember "Arbeitsplatz" by associating "Arbeit" with "work" and "Platz" with "place," forming the meaning of "workplace" in German.

Additional Vocabulary

  • die Arbeit (work)
  • der Job (job)
  • die Stelle (position)
  • die Berufung (vocation)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)

  • Gender: masculine
  • Plural: die Arbeitsplätze

Conjugation (for verbs)