
Meaning and Usage

"Gemeint" is the past participle of the verb "meinen," which means "to mean" or "to intend" in German. It is used to express the past tense or passive voice of the verb "meinen."

Linguistic Analysis

The word "gemeint" is the past participle of the verb "meinen." The verb "meinen" is derived from the Old High German word "meinen," which means "to have in mind." The prefix "ge-" indicates the past participle form, and the suffix "-t" denotes the past participle in German.

Comparisons between German and English

The word "gemeint" is similar to the English word "meant," both in meaning and structure. They are both past participles derived from the verbs "meinen" (German) and "mean" (English).

Cultural Context

In German culture, the word "gemeint" is commonly used to clarify or confirm the intended meaning of something that has been said or written. It is often used in conversations to ensure mutual understanding.

Example Sentences

  1. Sie hat es gut gemeint. (She meant well.)
  2. Das war nicht so gemeint. (That wasn't meant that way.)
  3. Was ist damit gemeint? (What is meant by that?)

Memory Tips

Associate "gemeint" with "meant" in English to remember its meaning as the past participle of "meinen" in German.

Additional Vocabulary

  • meinen (verb) - to mean, to intend
  • die Bedeutung (noun) - meaning
  • absichtlich (adjective) - intentional

Gender and Plural (for nouns)


Conjugation (for verbs)