die Ansage, -n

Meaning and Usage

"Die Ansage" in German refers to an announcement, a message, or instructions given publicly or formally. It can also refer to the act of announcing or making a statement. The word is commonly used in various contexts, such as public transportation, events, or official communications.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "Ansage" is a noun and is formed from the verb "ansagen," which means "to announce." The prefix "an-" indicates a direction or action toward something, and the root "sagen" means "to say." The plural form is "die Ansagen."

Comparisons between German and English

The word "Ansage" translates to "announcement" in English. Both words share the same root and convey a similar meaning, highlighting the linguistic connection between German and English.

Cultural Context

In Germany, "die Ansage" is commonly heard in public transportation, where it refers to announcements made in trains, buses, or stations, providing important information to passengers.

Example Sentences

  1. Die Ansage im Zug informierte über Verspätungen. (The announcement in the train informed about delays.)
  2. Bitte machen Sie eine wichtige Ansage. (Please make an important announcement.)

Memory Tips

Associate "die Ansage" with the English word "announcement" and visualize a public announcement being made to help remember the meaning of the word.

Additional Vocabulary

  • die Mitteilung (announcement/message)
  • verkünden (to proclaim)
  • die Durchsage (public announcement)

Gender and Plural

Gender: feminine Plural: die Ansagen


Not applicable as "die Ansage" is a noun.