
Meaning and Usage

Universität means "university" in German. It refers to an institution of higher education where academic research is conducted and where students study for degrees and academic qualifications.

Linguistic Analysis

The word Universität is a noun, made up of the prefix "uni-" meaning "one" or "whole" and the root "versität" which is derived from the Latin word "universitas" meaning "the whole, entirety, global community".

Comparisons between German and English

The word "university" in English has a similar origin and meaning to the German word "Universität".

Cultural Context

In Germany, attending a university is a common path to obtaining a higher education and academic qualifications. German universities have a long-standing tradition and are known for their high-quality education.

Example Sentences

  • Sie studiert an der Universität. (She is studying at the university.)
  • Die Universität bietet viele verschiedene Studiengänge an. (The university offers many different degree programs.)

Memory Tips

Associate "Universität" with the English word "university" and remember the prefix "uni-" meaning "one" or "whole".

Additional Vocabulary

  • Die Hochschule (college/higher education institution)
  • Die Vorlesung (lecture)
  • Der Studiengang (degree program)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)

Universität is feminine and the plural form is Universitäten.

Conjugation (for verbs)