
Meaning and Usage

  • haben = to have

Common Usage:

  1. "Ich habe Hunger." = "I am hungry."
  2. "Sie haben ein Auto." = "They have a car."

Linguistic Analysis

"Haben" is an irregular verb that means "to have" in German. It is derived from Old High German and Middle High German.

Comparisons between German and English

The word "haben" translates to "to have" in English, functioning as a crucial verb for expressing ownership, possession, or states.

Cultural Context

The use of "haben" is fundamental for indicating possession, relationships, or conditions in German, and it is a staple verb in everyday conversations.

Example Sentences

  1. "Wir haben zwei Kinder." = "We have two children."
  2. "Hast du Zeit?" = "Do you have time?"

Memory Tips

Associate "haben" with the English word "have" to remember its meaning and usage.

Additional Vocabulary

Related words: hatte (had), gehabt (had), haben (to have)