der Geburtsort

Meaning and Usage

Der Geburtsort translates to "birthplace" in English. It refers to the location where a person was born.

Linguistic Analysis

"Der Geburtsort" is a compound noun in German, formed by the combination of "Geburt" (birth) and "Ort" (place).

Comparisons between German and English

The word "birthplace" in English has a similar meaning to "Geburtsort" in German.

Cultural Context

Knowing someone's "Geburtsort" is often considered important in understanding their background and can be a topic of conversation when getting to know someone.

Example Sentences

  • Mein Geburtsort ist Hamburg. (My birthplace is Hamburg.)
  • Sie kennt den Geburtsort ihrer Großeltern. (She knows the birthplace of her grandparents.)

Memory Tips

Associate "Geburtsort" with the English word "birthplace" and try to recall a famous person's birthplace to help remember the word.

Additional Vocabulary

  • Die Geburt (f) - the birth
  • Der Ort (m) - the place
  • Die Herkunft (f) - the origin

Gender and Plural (for nouns)

As a masculine noun, the plural form of "der Geburtsort" is "die Geburtsorte."

Conjugation (for verbs)