
Meaning and Usage

"Fortsetzen" means "to continue" or "to resume" in English. It is used to indicate the action of carrying on with something that was interrupted or to pick up from where it left off.

Linguistic Analysis

"Fortsetzen" is a compound verb in German, formed by the prefix "fort-" meaning "further" or "onward" and the verb "setzen" meaning "to set" or "to put". The combination creates the meaning of "to set further" or "to put onward".

Comparisons between German and English

The word "fortsetzen" is similar in meaning to the English word "continue" and can be used interchangeably in many contexts.

Cultural Context

In German-speaking cultures, the idea of persistence and continuation is valued, and the word "fortsetzen" reflects this cultural emphasis on perseverance and moving forward.

Example Sentences

  1. Ich werde morgen meinen Roman fortsetzen. (I will continue my novel tomorrow.)

  2. Der Kurs wird nächste Woche fortgesetzt. (The course will resume next week.)

Memory Tips

Associate "fortsetzen" with the English word "continue" and remember that the prefix "fort-" signifies moving forward or onward.

Additional Vocabulary

  • Synonyms: weitermachen (to continue), fortführen (to carry on)
  • Antonyms: aufhören (to stop), beenden (to finish)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)


Conjugation (for verbs)

  • Ich setze fort (I continue)
  • Du setzt fort (You continue)
  • Er/sie/es setzt fort (He/she/it continues)
  • Wir setzen fort (We continue)
  • Ihr setzt fort (You continue - plural)
  • Sie setzen fort (They continue)