
Meaning and Usage

"Passieren" in German means "to happen" or "to occur." It is commonly used to describe things that happen or occur, such as events, incidents, or accidents.

Linguistic Analysis

"Passieren" is a verb in German. It is a compound word, derived from the prefix "pass-" and the root "ieren." The prefix "pass-" can denote "through" or "by," and the suffix "-ieren" is often used to form verbs from nouns or adjectives.

Comparisons between German and English

The word "passieren" in German is similar in meaning to the English word "to happen."

Cultural Context

The word "passieren" is commonly used in everyday conversations to talk about events or incidents that occur. It is a useful verb for describing happenings in various contexts.

Example Sentences

  1. Ein Unfall ist passiert. (An accident has happened.)
  2. Was passiert hier gerade? (What is happening here right now?)
  3. Es ist nicht viel passiert. (Not much has occurred.)

Memory Tips

To remember the meaning and usage of "passieren," you can associate it with the English word "happen" and practice using it in sentences related to events or incidents.

Additional Vocabulary

  • Geschehen (to happen)
  • Vorkommnis (incident)
  • Ereignis (event)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)


Conjugation (for verbs)

  • ich passiere (I happen)
  • du passierst (you happen)
  • er/sie/es passiert (he/she/it happens)
  • wir passieren (we happen)
  • ihr passiert (you happen)
  • sie passieren (they happen)