
Meaning and Usage

"Gesicht" in German translates to "face" in English. It refers to the front part of the head, from the forehead to the chin, where the sensory organs are located.

Linguistic Analysis

"Gesicht" is a noun in German and is neutral in gender. It does not have any prefixes or suffixes. The word has its origin in Middle High German and Old High German, where it was spelled as "gesiht."

Comparisons between German and English

The word "Gesicht" is similar to its English counterpart "face" in both meaning and usage. However, the pronunciation and spelling are different due to the difference in language origin and evolution.

Cultural Context

In German culture, "Gesicht" is commonly used in expressions and idioms, such as "ein freundliches Gesicht machen" (to put on a friendly face) or "das ist zum Augenreiben" (that is unbelievable).

Example Sentences

  1. Ihr Gesicht strahlte vor Freude.
  2. Bitte wasch dir das Gesicht, bevor du zum Abendessen kommst.
  3. Der Dieb war maskiert und sein Gesicht war unkenntlich.

Memory Tips

To remember the meaning of "Gesicht," associate it with the English word "face" and practice using it in sentences to reinforce memory.

Additional Vocabulary

  • die Stirn (forehead)
  • die Nase (nose)
  • der Mund (mouth)
  • die Augen (eyes)

Gender and Plural

Gender: Neutral Plural: die Gesichter


Since "Gesicht" is a noun, it does not have a conjugation.