
Meaning and Usage

"Billig" in German means "cheap" or "inexpensive." It is commonly used to describe things that are not expensive or that come at a low cost.

Linguistic Analysis

"Billig" is an adjective in German and does not change its form based on the gender or number of the noun it is describing. It comes from the Middle Low German word "billik," which means "fair, good, beautiful."

Comparisons between German and English

The word "billig" is similar to the English word "bill," which originally meant "written note" or "document," and later came to represent a written statement of charges or fees. However, the meaning of "billig" is closer to the English word "cheap" or "inexpensive."

Cultural Context

In German-speaking countries, the concept of "billig" is associated with good value for money. It can also imply the idea of practicality and affordability.

Example Sentences

  • Das ist ein sehr billiges Auto. (That is a very cheap car.)
  • Sie haben billigere Tickets gefunden. (They found cheaper tickets.)

Memory Tips

To remember the meaning of "billig," think of the English word "bargain" as both convey the idea of something being inexpensive.

Additional Vocabulary

  • günstig (inexpensive/advantageous)
  • preiswert (reasonably priced)
  • teuer (expensive)
  • Luxus (luxury)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)

As an adjective, "billig" does not change based on the gender or number of the noun it describes.

Conjugation (for verbs)