
Meaning and Usage

"Dorf" is a German noun that translates to "village" in English. It refers to a small settlement in a rural area, typically smaller than a town or a city.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "Dorf" doesn't have any prefixes or suffixes. It is of Germanic origin and has been used in the German language for centuries.

Comparisons between German and English

The English word "village" is a close equivalent to "Dorf," both referring to a small rural settlement.

Cultural Context

In German-speaking countries, the concept of "Dorf" holds cultural significance as many people in these areas still live in small villages and maintain traditional customs and lifestyles.

Example Sentences

  1. Das Dorf, in dem ich aufgewachsen bin, ist sehr malerisch. ( The village I grew up in is very picturesque.)
  2. Das Dorf hat nur etwa hundert Einwohner. (The village has only about a hundred inhabitants.)

Memory Tips

Associate "Dorf" with the idea of a small rural settlement, picturing the word in a countryside setting can help in remembering its meaning.

Additional Vocabulary

  • Die Stadt (the town/city)
  • Die Gemeinde (the community)
  • Die ländliche Gegend (the rural area)

Gender and Plural

Noun (das Dorf) - Plural: die Dörfer (the villages)


N/A (not applicable for nouns)