
Meaning and Usage

"Glauben" in German means "to believe" or "to have faith". It is commonly used to express religious beliefs, as well as to convey trust or confidence in something or someone.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "glauben" is a verb in German. It doesn't have a prefix or suffix and is derived from the Old High German word "glauben" and the Proto-Germanic word "ga-laubjanan".

Comparisons between German and English

The German word "glauben" is similar to the English word "believe" in both meaning and usage.

Cultural Context

In Germany, "glauben" can be used in a religious context, as the country has a significant Christian population. It can also be used in everyday conversations to express trust or confidence.

Example Sentences

  1. Ich glaube an die Liebe. (I believe in love.)
  2. Sie glaubt an ihn. (She believes in him.)
  3. Er glaubt an Gott. (He believes in God.)

Memory Tips

Associate "glauben" with the English word "believe" and remember that both words express the idea of having faith or trust in something.

Additional Vocabulary

  • Vertrauen (trust)
  • Überzeugung (conviction)
  • Zweifel (doubt)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)


Conjugation (for verbs)

  • ich glaube (I believe)
  • du glaubst (you believe)
  • er/sie/es glaubt (he/she/it believes)
  • wir glauben (we believe)
  • ihr glaubt (you believe, plural)
  • sie glauben (they believe)