
Meaning and Usage

"halten" means "to hold" or "to stop" in German. It is also used for expressing beliefs or opinions.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "halten" is a verb and can be broken down into the prefix "hal-" and the suffix "-en." Its etymology comes from Middle High German.

Comparisons between German and English

There are similarities in meaning between "halten" in German and "to hold" or "to stop" in English.

Cultural Context

In German culture, "halten" can be used in various contexts, such as holding physical objects, stopping a vehicle, or expressing one's beliefs or opinions.

Example Sentences

  1. Ich halte deine Hand. (I hold your hand.)
  2. Bitte halte den Bus an! (Please stop the bus!)

Memory Tips

Associate "halten" with the English word "halt" to remember its meaning of "to stop."

Additional Vocabulary

Synonyms: festhalten (to hold on to), anhalten (to stop) Antonyms: loslassen (to let go), erlauben (to allow)

Conjugation (for verbs)

ich halte, du hältst, er/sie/es hält, wir halten, ihr haltet, sie halten