
Meaning and Usage

"Verbinden" in German means "to connect" or "to link." It can also be used to mean "to bind" or "to tie" in the sense of joining things together or connecting people. It is commonly used in both physical and abstract contexts.

Linguistic Analysis

"Verbinden" is a combination of the prefix "ver-" meaning "completely" or "thoroughly," and the root "binden" which means "to bind." The prefix "ver-" emphasizes the completion or thoroughness of the action. The word "verbinden" is a regular verb and follows the typical conjugation pattern for regular verbs in German.

Comparisons between German and English

The word "verbinden" is similar to the English word "bind," as both words share the same root. However, the prefix "ver-" in German adds the meaning of completion or thoroughness to the action.

Cultural Context

"Verbinden" is a common word used in various contexts, from describing physical connections, like connecting two pieces of equipment, to abstract connections, like connecting people or ideas.

Example Sentences

  1. Die Brücke verbindet die beiden Ufer des Flusses.
  2. Wir möchten die Städte mit einem Highspeed-Zug verbinden.
  3. Die Freundschaft verbindet uns über große Entfernungen hinweg.

Memory Tips

To remember the meaning of "verbinden," think of the prefix "ver-" emphasizing the completion or thoroughness of the action, so "verbinden" means to thoroughly connect or link.

Additional Vocabulary

  • die Verbindung (noun) - connection
  • verbindlich (adjective) - binding, obligatory
  • zusammenbinden - to tie together

Gender and Plural (for nouns)


Conjugation (for verbs)

  • Ich verbinde (I connect)
  • Du verbindest (You connect)
  • Er/Sie/Es verbindet (He/She/It connects)
  • Wir verbinden (We connect)
  • Ihr verbindet (You [plural] connect)
  • Sie verbinden (They connect)