der Reiseführer

Meaning and Usage

"Der Reiseführer" in German refers to a travel guide, a book or person who provides information and guidance to tourists about a particular place, including its attractions, accommodations, and activities. It can also refer to a guidebook or a tour guide.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "Reiseführer" is a compound noun in German, consisting of "Reise" (travel) and "Führer" (guide). The combination of these words creates the meaning of a travel guide or tour guide.

Comparisons between German and English

The word "Reiseführer" directly translates to "travel guide" in English, reflecting a similar structure and meaning.

Cultural Context

In German-speaking countries, the term "Reiseführer" is commonly used to describe both the travel guidebook and the person guiding tourists.

Example Sentences

  1. Der Reiseführer zeigte den Touristen die Sehenswürdigkeiten der Stadt. (The tour guide showed the tourists the city's sights.)
  2. Ich kaufe mir einen Reiseführer für unsere nächste Reise. (I'm buying a travel guidebook for our next trip.)

Memory Tips

Associate "Reiseführer" with the English phrase "travel guide" to remember its meaning. Visualizing a guide showing the way during a trip can also aid in memorization.

Additional Vocabulary

  • die Reise (the travel)
  • der Guide (the guide)
  • die Touristenattraktionen (the tourist attractions)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)

  • Gender: masculine (der)
  • Plural: die Reiseführer

Conjugation (for verbs)