
Meaning and Usage

"Betreffen" means "to concern" or "to affect" in German. It is used to indicate that something applies to someone or has an impact on them.

Linguistic Analysis

"Betreffen" is a verb. It is a combination of the prefix "be-" and the root "treffen," which means "to hit" or "to meet." The prefix "be-" can indicate impact or completeness. Therefore, "betreffen" can be understood as something "hitting" or "meeting" someone, thus affecting or concerning them.

Comparisons between German and English

The word "betreffen" has a similar meaning to the English word "to concern" or "to affect."

Cultural Context

In German culture, "betreffen" is commonly used in formal and informal contexts to express how something impacts or relates to someone or something else.

Example Sentences

  • Diese Regelung betrifft alle Mitarbeiter. (This rule concerns all employees.)
  • Mich betrifft diese Entscheidung nicht. (This decision doesn't affect me.)

Memory Tips

To remember the meaning of "betreffen," think of how something "hits" or "meets" someone, thus affecting or concerning them.

Additional Vocabulary

  • berühren (to touch)
  • beeinflussen (to influence)
  • betroffen (affected)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)


Conjugation (for verbs)

  • Ich betreffe (I concern)
  • Du betreffst (You concern)
  • Er/Sie/Es betrifft (He/She/It concerns)
  • Wir betreffen (We concern)
  • Ihr betrifft (You all concern)
  • Sie betreffen (They concern)