
Meaning and Usage

"Besichtigen" means to visit or inspect, especially in the context of visiting a place or property, such as a house or a property for sale.

Linguistic Analysis

"Besichtigen" is a verb and consists of the prefix "be-" and the root "sichtigen." The prefix "be-" often indicates a completion or thoroughness of an action, and the root "sichtigen" is related to the verb "sehen" (to see).

Comparisons between German and English

The word "besichtigen" has a similar meaning to the English word "to visit" or "to inspect," but it specifically emphasizes the act of inspecting something thoroughly, especially when looking at properties or places.

Cultural Context

In Germany, the term "besichtigen" is commonly used in the context of visiting real estate properties, such as houses or apartments that are for sale or rent. It is also used in the context of sightseeing or visiting tourist attractions.

Example Sentences

  • Wir wollen das Haus besichtigen. (We want to visit the house.)
  • Sie besichtigen das Schloss morgen. (They are visiting the castle tomorrow.)

Memory Tips

Associate "besichtigen" with the idea of "be-seeing," indicating a thorough inspection or visitation.

Additional Vocabulary

  • Die Besichtigung (feminine, singular) - the inspection/visit
  • Der Besucher (masculine, singular) - the visitor
  • Die Immobilienbesichtigung (feminine, singular) - the property viewing

Gender and Plural (for nouns)

N/A (since "besichtigen" is a verb)

Conjugation (for verbs)

  • Ich besichtige (I visit/inspect)
  • Du besichtigst (You visit/inspect)
  • Er/Sie/Es besichtigt (He/She/It visits/inspects)
  • Wir besichtigen (We visit/inspect)
  • Ihr besichtigt (You all visit/inspect)
  • Sie besichtigen (They visit/inspect)