
Meaning and Usage

"aufladen" in German means "to recharge" or "to top up" and is commonly used in the context of recharging electronic devices, topping up prepaid cards, or refilling something that is running low or empty.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "aufladen" is a compound verb, consisting of the prefix "auf-" and the verb "laden," which means "to load." The prefix "auf-" adds the sense of "up" or "onto," indicating the action of loading something up or onto something else.

Comparisons between German and English

The German word "aufladen" directly translates to "to recharge" or "to top up" in English, highlighting the similarity in meaning and usage.

Cultural Context

In Germany, it is common to use the verb "aufladen" when talking about recharging mobile phones, adding credit to public transport cards, or refilling pre-paid credit for various services.

Example Sentences

  1. Ich muss mein Handy aufladen. (Translation: I need to recharge my phone.)

  2. Kannst du bitte die Prepaid-Karte aufladen? (Translation: Can you please top up the prepaid card?)

Memory Tips

Associate "aufladen" with the action of "loading up" or "recharging" something, linking the prefix "auf-" with the idea of adding or topping up.

Additional Vocabulary

  • die Batterie (feminine, plural: die Batterien) - battery
  • nachfüllen - to refill
  • der Ladevorgang - charging process

Gender and Plural (for nouns)


Conjugation (for verbs)

  • ich lade auf (I recharge)
  • du lädst auf (you recharge)
  • er/sie/es lädt auf (he/she/it recharges)
  • wir laden auf (we recharge)
  • ihr ladet auf (you all recharge)
  • sie laden auf (they recharge)