
Meaning and Usage

"Sonst" is a German adverb that is commonly used to express "otherwise," "else," or "apart from that." It is used to indicate a different situation or condition from the current one.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "sonst" does not have a clear prefix, root, or suffix. It comes from Middle High German and Old High German "sunt," which meant "separated, divided, or out of the ordinary."

Comparisons between German and English

The German word "sonst" is similar to the English word "otherwise" in terms of its usage to indicate an alternative situation. However, the word itself does not have a direct counterpart in English.

Cultural Context

In German culture, "sonst" is commonly used in everyday conversation to refer to something else or to give an alternative scenario or condition.

Example Sentences

  1. Wenn du dich beeilst, schaffen wir es, sonst verpassen wir den Zug. (If you hurry, we'll make it, otherwise we'll miss the train.)
  2. Hast du sonst noch Fragen? (Do you have any other questions?)
  3. Ich habe keine Zeit, sonst würde ich gerne mitkommen. (I don't have time, otherwise I would love to come along.)

Memory Tips

You can remember the meaning of "sonst" by associating it with the idea of "something else" or "otherwise."

Additional Vocabulary

  • Ansonsten (otherwise)
  • Was sonst? (What else?)
  • Sonstige (other, further)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)


Conjugation (for verbs)