
Meaning and Usage

The word "oder" means "or" in English. It is used to present a choice between two or more options.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "oder" is a conjunction and has no prefix or suffix. Its etymology can be linked to the Middle High German "oder" and the Old High German "oder," both meaning "or."

Comparisons between German and English

The word "oder" and its English counterpart "or" serve the same purpose in connecting alternatives within a sentence.

Example Sentences

  1. Möchtest du Kaffee oder Tee? (Would you like coffee or tea?)
  2. Gehst du in die Stadt oder bleibst du zu Hause? (Are you going to the city or staying at home?)

Memory Tips

Link "oder" to "or" in English, and practice using it to create sentences with alternative choices.

Additional Vocabulary

Synonyms: beziehungsweise (or rather), alternativ (alternatively) Antonyms: und (and)