
Meaning and Usage

The word "stretch" in German translates to "dehnen" or "strecken." It can be used to describe the action of extending or lengthening something physically, as well as in the context of stretching muscles or reaching out.

Linguistic Analysis

The German word "dehnen" comes from the Old High German "dehnen," meaning "to extend." The word "strecken" has a similar origin, also coming from Old High German "strecken," which means "to stretch out" or "to extend."

Comparisons between German and English

The German words "dehnen" and "strecken" correspond to the English word "stretch." The usage and meaning are similar in both languages.

Cultural Context

In German-speaking countries, stretching exercises are commonly practiced as part of physical fitness routines, especially in sports and gym environments.

Example Sentences

  1. Sie müssen sich vor dem Training dehnen. (They need to stretch before the workout.)
  2. Der Kater streckte sich faul auf dem Sofa. (The tomcat lazily stretched out on the sofa.)

Memory Tips

To remember the word "dehnen" in German, think of the "eh" in the middle as symbolizing the stretched-out action. For "strecken," think of the "ck" as the action of reaching or stretching out.

Additional Vocabulary

  • Synonyms: ausstrecken (to stretch out), ausdehnen (to extend)
  • Related words: die Dehnung (the extension), gestreckt (stretched out)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)


Conjugation (for verbs)

  • Ich dehne (I stretch)
  • Du dehnst (You stretch)
  • Er/sie/es dehnt (He/she/it stretches)
  • Wir dehnen (We stretch)
  • Ihr dehnt (You all stretch)
  • Sie/sie dehnen (They/you all stretch)