
Meaning and Usage

"Allein" in German means "alone" or "only" and is often used to indicate being by oneself or something being the single or sole one of its kind.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "allein" is an adverb in German and has its origins in the Middle High German "allēin" (comprised of "al" meaning "all" and "ein" meaning "one").

Comparisons between German and English

The German word "allein" is similar to the English word "alone" both in meaning and in its use as an adverb.

Cultural Context

In German culture, there is an emphasis on independence and self-reliance, which may be reflected in the use of the word "allein" to convey being alone or on one's own.

Example Sentences

  1. Ich gehe allein ins Kino. (I am going to the cinema alone.)
  2. Sie ist die alleinige Erbin des Vermögens. (She is the sole heir to the fortune.)

Memory Tips

To remember the meaning of "allein," think of the similarity to the English word "alone" and how they both convey the idea of being by oneself.

Additional Vocabulary

  • einsam (lonely)
  • nur (only)
  • einzeln (single, individual)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)


Conjugation (for verbs)