am meisten

Meaning and Usage

"Am meisten" is a German phrase that translates to "the most" in English. It is used to indicate the superlative degree, expressing the highest level of something in comparison to others.

Linguistic Analysis

"Am meisten" consists of the preposition "am" (shortened form of "an dem") and the adverb "meisten." The adverb "meisten" is the superlative form of "viel" (much/many), and the combination "am meisten" functions as an adverbial phrase.

Comparisons between German and English

The phrase "am meisten" directly translates to "the most" in English, indicating the highest degree or quantity in both languages.

Cultural Context

The use of "am meisten" is a fundamental concept in German language and is essential for expressing comparisons and superlatives, whether in everyday conversations or formal contexts.

Example Sentences

  • Er liest am meisten Bücher. (He reads the most books.)
  • Diese Software wird am meisten verwendet. (This software is used the most.)

Memory Tips

To remember the meaning of "am meisten," think of the phrase as a shortened form of "an dem meisten," which can help you recall its usage in comparisons.

Additional Vocabulary

  • weniger (less)
  • am wenigsten (the least)
  • viel (much/many)
  • mehr (more)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)


Conjugation (for verbs)