
Meaning and Usage

"Zelle" in German refers to a cell, such as a biological cell, or a small compartment or room. It can also mean a mobile phone in colloquial language. Additionally, "Zelle" can be used to denote a jail cell or a unit in a prison.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "Zelle" originates from the Old High German "zella" and can be traced back to the Proto-Germanic "seljō." It does not contain any prefixes or suffixes and is a singular feminine noun.

Comparisons between German and English

The German word "Zelle" directly translates to the English word "cell" in various contexts such as biology or prison terminology.

Cultural Context

In the context of historical significance, "Zellen" were also the organizational units of the Nazi party and played a significant role in the party's structure.

Example Sentences

  1. Die menschliche Zelle ist die kleinste Struktureinheit des menschlichen Körpers. (The human cell is the smallest structural unit of the human body.)
  2. Mein Freund sitzt in der Zelle und wartet auf seine Anhörung. (My friend is in the cell, waiting for his hearing.)
  3. Ich lade das Bild von meinem Computer auf meine Zelle hoch. (I am uploading the picture from my computer to my cell phone.)

Memory Tips

Associate "Zelle" with "cell" in English, and, if applicable, with the dual meaning of "cell phone" for easy memory retention.

Additional Vocabulary

  • der Gefängniszelle (prison cell)
  • die Biologische Zelle (biological cell)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)

  • Gender: feminine
  • Plural: die Zellen

Conjugation (for verbs)

This applies only to verbs.