
Meaning and Usage

"Günstig" in German means "favorable" or "advantageous." It is commonly used to describe something as being affordable, cheap, or advantageous in a particular situation.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "günstig" does not have any clear prefix or suffix. Its etymology traces back to the Old High German word "gund," which meant "combat," "battle," or "struggle." Over time, its meaning evolved to include "favorable" or "advantageous."

Comparisons between German and English

The word "günstig" in German is similar in meaning to "favorable" or "advantageous" in English. However, it is important to note that while "günstig" is often used to describe something as being affordable or cheap, the English word "favorable" does not carry the same connotation of price.

Cultural Context

In Germany, finding a "günstige" (affordable) option for goods or services is valued. It is common to hear this word used in the context of shopping, travel, and everyday expenses.

Example Sentences

  • Das Kleid war erstaunlich günstig. (The dress was amazingly cheap.)
  • Es ist günstig, die Tickets im Voraus zu kaufen. (It is advantageous to buy the tickets in advance.)

Memory Tips

To remember the meaning of "günstig," think of it as "good" (günstig) for your wallet, meaning it's affordable or favorable in terms of price.

Additional Vocabulary

  • Synonyms: preiswert (inexpensive), billig (cheap), vorteilhaft (advantageous)
  • Antonyms: teuer (expensive), ungünstig (unfavorable)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)

In this case, "günstig" is an adjective and does not have a gender or plural form.

Conjugation (for verbs)

As "günstig" is an adjective, it does not have a verb conjugation.