(sich) waschen

Meaning and Usage

"(sich) waschen" means "to wash (oneself)" in English. It is used to describe the action of cleaning oneself, typically referring to taking a shower or bath.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "waschen" is a verb, and in this form, it is reflexive, indicating that the action is done to oneself. The root of the word is "wasch-" and the suffix "-en" indicates an infinitive verb form. The reflexive pronoun "sich" is added to show that the action is done to oneself. The word "waschen" comes from the Middle High German word "weschen."

Comparisons between German and English

The word "waschen" in German corresponds to "to wash (oneself)" in English. The reflexive form (sich) indicates that the action is done by the subject to themselves, which is a concept also present in English, but not always indicated by a reflexive pronoun.

Cultural Context

Personal hygiene and cleanliness are highly valued in German culture. The act of "sich waschen" is an important part of daily life and is seen as a routine for maintaining cleanliness and health.

Example Sentences

  1. Ich wasche mich jeden Morgen. (I wash myself every morning.)
  2. Er hat sich gestern Abend die Haare gewaschen. (He washed his hair last night.)

Memory Tips

Associate "sich waschen" with the reflexive pronoun "sich" to remember that the action is done to oneself.

Additional Vocabulary

  • Die Seife (soap)
  • Das Handtuch (towel)
  • Das Shampoo (shampoo)
  • Duschen (to shower)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)


Conjugation (for verbs)

Present tense conjugation:

  • Ich wasche mich (I wash myself)
  • Du wäschst dich (You wash yourself)
  • Er/sie/es wäscht sich (He/she/it washes himself/herself/itself)