
Meaning and Usage

"Sollen" is a modal verb in German, commonly used to express obligation, a recommendation, or a supposed action. It is often translated as "should," "ought to," or "supposed to" in English.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "sollen" does not have a prefix or suffix. It is derived from Old High German "sollan" and is related to the English word "shall."

Comparisons between German and English

In both German and English, "sollen" is used to express an obligation or recommendation. However, German often uses "sollen" in situations where English might use "should" or "ought to."

Cultural Context

In German culture, "sollen" carries a sense of duty and responsibility and is commonly used in polite requests and instructions.

Example Sentences

  1. Du sollst mehr Gemüse essen. (You should eat more vegetables.)
  2. Sie sollen pünktlich zur Besprechung kommen. (They are supposed to come on time.)
  3. Was soll das bedeuten? (What is that supposed to mean?)

Memory Tips

Associate "sollen" with the English word "should" to remember its meaning.

Additional Vocabulary

  • Synonyms: müssen (must), dürfen (may), können (can)
  • Antonyms: dürfen nicht (must not), sollen nicht (should not)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)

"Sollen" is a verb and does not have a gender or plural form.

Conjugation (for verbs)

  • ich soll (I should)
  • du sollst (you should)
  • er/sie/es soll (he/she/it should)
  • wir sollen (we should)
  • ihr sollt (you should)
  • sie/Sie sollen (they/you should)