
Meaning and Usage

"Hallo" is an informal greeting used to say "hello" or "hi" in German. It is commonly used to greet friends, family, and acquaintances.

Linguistic Analysis

"Hallo" is a simple interjection and does not have a complex linguistic structure.

Comparisons between German and English

"Hallo" in German and "hello" in English have similar meanings and usage as informal greetings.

Cultural Context

The usage of "hallo" is informal and friendly, and it is widely used in both spoken and written communication.

Example Sentences

  • Hallo! Wie geht es dir? (Hello! How are you?)
  • Ich wollte nur schnell Hallo sagen. (I just wanted to say hi quickly.)

Memory Tips

Think of the English word "hello" and imagine dropping the "e" to form "hallo."

Additional Vocabulary

  • Guten Tag (Good day) - a more formal way of greeting
  • Servus (Hi/Bye) - a casual greeting used in southern Germany and Austria

Gender and Plural (for nouns)


Conjugation (for verbs)