
Meaning and Usage

"Eigentlich" in German means "actually" or "in fact". It is used to indicate a contradiction between a current state and an expected or assumed state. It can also be used to express the original or intended purpose of something.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "eigentlich" consists of the prefix "eigen-" (meaning "own" or "proper") and the suffix "-lich" (which is used to form adverbs in German). The word's structure indicates an original or inherent quality.

Comparisons between German and English

The German word "eigentlich" is most commonly translated to "actually" in English. Both words are used to express a contradiction between expected and actual states.

Cultural Context

In conversation, "eigentlich" can be used to add nuance or express hesitancy in the speaker's assertion. It is a common adverb and is used frequently in everyday German communication.

Example Sentences

  • Eigentlich wollte ich ins Kino gehen, aber ich bin zu müde. (Actually, I wanted to go to the cinema, but I'm too tired.)
  • Er ist eigentlich ein netter Mann, wenn man ihn näher kennt. (He's actually a nice man when you get to know him.)

Memory Tips

To remember the meaning of "eigentlich", think of it as pointing to the "actual" or "true" nature of something, contrary to what might be assumed or expected.

Additional Vocabulary

  • Synonyms: tatsächlich (actually), wirklich (really), in Wirklichkeit (in reality)
  • Antonyms: scheinbar (seemingly), anscheinend (apparently)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)


Conjugation (for verbs)