
Meaning and Usage

"vermieten" is a German verb that means "to rent out" or "to lease." It is used when referring to the action of allowing someone to use a property or item in exchange for payment.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "vermieten" consists of the prefix "ver-" and the root "mieten." The prefix "ver-" often indicates a completion or intensification of an action, and "mieten" means "to rent." Therefore, "vermieten" carries the sense of fully completing the action of renting out.

Comparisons between German and English

The word "vermieten" corresponds to "to rent out" or "to lease" in English, indicating a similar meaning in both languages.

Cultural Context

In Germany and other German-speaking countries, "vermieten" is a common term used in real estate and property management. It is also used in everyday conversations when discussing the renting of apartments, houses, or other spaces.

Example Sentences

  • Ich möchte mein Haus vermieten. (I want to rent out my house.)
  • Die Firma vermietet Büroflächen. (The company leases office space.)

Memory Tips

To remember the meaning of "vermieten," think of the English word "rent" and the prefix "ver-" as intensifying the action, making it "rent out" in English.

Additional Vocabulary

  • die Miete (f) - rent
  • der Mieter / die Mieterin - tenant
  • der Vermieter / die Vermieterin - landlord / landlady

Gender and Plural (for nouns)


Conjugation (for verbs)

  • ich vermiete (I rent out)
  • du vermietest (you rent out)
  • er/sie/es vermieter (he/she/it rents out)
  • wir vermieten (we rent out)
  • ihr vermietet (you all rent out)
  • sie vermieten (they rent out)