
Meaning and Usage

"Finale" in German refers to the final part or the conclusion of something, such as a performance, competition, or a series of events. It is used to signify the last and often most crucial part of an event or a show.

Linguistic Analysis

"Finale" is a noun. It comes from Italian, and its usage in German is identical to its English counterpart.

Comparisons between German and English

The word "finale" is very similar in both German and English, and it shares the same meaning and usage in both languages.

Cultural Context

In Germany, "Finale" is often used in the context of various competitions and events, such as sports tournaments, music and dance performances, and TV shows.

Example Sentences

  1. Das große Finale findet am Samstag statt. (The grand finale takes place on Saturday.)
  2. Werden Sie bei dem Finale dabei sein? (Will you be attending the finale?)

Memory Tips

To remember the word "Finale," you can associate it with the famous endings of movies or concerts, which are often referred to as the "finale."

Additional Vocabulary

  • Die Schlussphase (the final phase)
  • Das Endspiel (the endgame)
  • Abschließend (concluding)

Gender and Plural

"Finale" is neuter in gender. The plural form is "die Finalen."


N/A (as "Finale" is a noun)