
Meaning and Usage

"Verkaufen" in German means "to sell." It is used to describe the action of transferring ownership of goods or services in exchange for money.

Linguistic Analysis

"Verkaufen" is a regular verb. It is formed from the prefix "ver-" which indicates the completion of an action, and the root "kaufen" which means "to buy." When combined, "verkaufen" means "to sell." Its etymology can be traced back to the Old High German word "farkoufon."

Comparisons between German and English

The English equivalent of "verkaufen" is "to sell." The structure of the two words is similar, and they both convey the same meaning.

Cultural Context

In German-speaking countries, the act of "verkaufen" is governed by specific laws and regulations to protect both the seller and the buyer. This reflects the importance placed on fair trade and consumer protection in these regions.

Example Sentences

  1. Ich möchte mein Auto verkaufen. (I want to sell my car.)
  2. Sie verkaufen frische Brötchen. (They sell fresh bread rolls.)

Memory Tips

You can remember "verkaufen" by associating the "ver-" prefix with the completion of an action, and "kaufen" with "to buy," thus creating the concept of completing the action of buying, which is selling.

Additional Vocabulary

  • Der Verkäufer (masculine, singular) / die Verkäuferin (feminine, singular) - the seller
  • Der Verkauf (masculine, singular) - the sale
  • Der Käufer (masculine, singular) / die Käuferin (feminine, singular) - the buyer

Gender and Plural (for nouns)


Conjugation (for verbs)

  • Ich verkaufe (I sell)
  • Du verkaufst (You sell)
  • Er/sie/es verkauft (He/she/it sells)
  • Wir verkaufen (We sell)
  • Ihr verkauft (You sell - plural)
  • Sie verkaufen (They sell)