Mal das

Meaning and Usage

"Mal das" is an informal way of saying "try that" or "give it a go" in German. It is often used when suggesting someone to attempt something or to test something out.

Linguistic Analysis

"Mal" is a colloquial short form of "einmal" which means "once" or "one time." "Das" is the demonstrative pronoun "that." So, "mal das" literally translates to "once that," with the implied meaning of "try that."

Comparisons between German and English

In this context, "mal das" has a similar meaning to the English phrase "try that." Both expressions are used to suggest attempting something.

Cultural Context

"Mal das" is a common expression used in everyday conversation and is often heard in informal settings among friends or family.

Example Sentences

  • German: Du hast es noch nie probiert? Mal das! English: You've never tried it? Give it a go!
  • German: Ich weiß nicht, ob das funktioniert. Versuch es einfach mal das! English: I don't know if that will work. Just give it a try!

Memory Tips

To remember the meaning and usage of "mal das," think of it as a casual way of telling someone to "just give it a try" or "see how it goes."

Additional Vocabulary

  • Probieren (to try)
  • Versuchen (to attempt)
  • Das Experiment (the experiment)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)


Conjugation (for verbs)