der Prospekt, -e

Meaning and Usage

"Der Prospekt" in German refers to a brochure, pamphlet, or prospectus. It is used to describe printed materials that provide information about a product, service, or a place.

Linguistic Analysis

"Der Prospekt" is a masculine noun. There is no identifiable prefix, root, or suffix, and it directly comes from Latin "prospectus," meaning prospectus or outlook.

Comparisons between German and English

The German word "Prospekt" is similar to its English counterpart "prospectus" in both meaning and origin.

Cultural Context

In German-speaking countries, "Prospekte" are commonly used in marketing and tourism to provide detailed information about products, services, events, or travel destinations.

Example Sentences

  • Ich habe einen Prospekt über das neue Auto bekommen. (I received a brochure about the new car.)
  • In dem Prospekt sind alle Angebote aufgelistet. (All the offers are listed in the brochure.)

Memory Tips

Associate "Prospekt" with the word "brochure" to help remember its meaning and usage.

Additional Vocabulary

  • Die Broschüre (f) - brochure
  • Das Heft (n) - pamphlet
  • Die Werbebroschüre (f) - advertising brochure

Gender and Plural

  • Masculine noun: der Prospekt (singular), die Prospekte (plural)


Not applicable (n/a)