
Meaning and Usage

"Erraten" means to guess or to figure out. It is used when someone correctly guesses something or when someone figures out an answer or solution.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "erraten" is a verb and consists of the prefix "er-" and the root "raten." The prefix "er-" in German often indicates a completion or success, so "erraten" can be understood as guess successfully. The root "raten" means to guess or advise.

Comparisons between German and English

The word "erraten" in German is similar in meaning to the phrase "to guess correctly" in English. The prefix "er-" in German is comparable to the suffix "-ly" in English, indicating the manner or result of an action.

Cultural Context

"Erraten" is commonly used in everyday conversations, games, and problem-solving situations. Guessing games are popular in German-speaking countries, and "erraten" is an essential word in such contexts.

Example Sentences

  1. Kannst du erraten, was ich dir zum Geburtstag schenke? (Can you guess what I'm giving you for your birthday?)
  2. Mit ein bisschen Überlegung kannst du das Passwort bestimmt erraten. (With a little thought, you can definitely figure out the password.)

Memory Tips

Associate "erraten" with the English word "err" which means to make a mistake. By contrasting "erraten" with "err," you can remember that "erraten" means to guess correctly, not to make a mistake.

Additional Vocabulary

  • raten (to guess/advice)
  • die Vermutung (the guess)
  • die Lösung (the solution)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)

"Erraten" is a verb and does not have a gender or plural form.

Conjugation (for verbs)

  • ich errate (I guess)
  • du errätst (you guess)
  • er/sie/es errät (he/she/it guesses)
  • wir erraten (we guess)
  • ihr erratet (you all guess)
  • sie erraten (they guess)