
Meaning and Usage

"Segment" in German translates to "Segment" and is used to refer to a section or part of something that has been divided. It can also be used in a mathematical or geometrical context to describe a part of a circle, sphere, or other curved figures.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "Segment" has been borrowed from Latin into German, so it remains unchanged in spelling and usage.

Comparisons between German and English

The word "Segment" is very similar in both German and English, with the same spelling and meaning.

Cultural Context

In a business context, "Segment" can be used to refer to a specific target market or customer group that a company is focusing on.

Example Sentences

  1. Das Segment des Kuchens war besonders lecker. (The segment of the cake was especially delicious.)
  2. Die Firma konzentriert sich auf das High-End-Segment des Marktes. (The company is focusing on the high-end segment of the market.)

Memory Tips

To remember "Segment," associate it with its English counterpart and think of dividing something into parts.

Additional Vocabulary

  • Abschnitt (section)
  • Stück (piece)
  • Teil (part)

Gender and Plural

